I have just spent 4 hours on a Zoom having dinner with a divine soul, and I am left with the feeling that life makes sense again. We all need that friend who tells it like it is. Who isn't afraid of judgement when she's around you. We all need that friend who listens intently, genuinely. We all need that friend who gets up and dances with you. We all need that friend who lights up your life. We all need that friend. I'm so glad I have that friend we all need. Danke!
As soon as I let go of my desperation, I got what I wanted handed to me. I've been obsessively looking for work as a choreographic assistant for a while, but nothing had worked out yet. My husband and I decided to leave the small town we were living in and move to Frankfurt. The energy seems to be working more in my favour, because I have been blessed with many teaching opportunities since moving here, as well as my very first assisting job! The choreographers, whom I have known and worked with for many years, managed to get enough funding for a production to hire an assistant, with the rehearsals and premiere in Frankfurt. Coincidence? We had always worked well together as dancers and choreographers, but being a rehearsal assistant is a completely different story. It has been a rewarding and eye-opening experience and I am so grateful to have finally gotten my first taste of this position. Z Zentrum, Frankfurt It's my current life's mission to understand how I c...