As soon as I let go of my desperation, I got what I wanted handed to me. I've been obsessively looking for work as a choreographic assistant for a while, but nothing had worked out yet. My husband and I decided to leave the small town we were living in and move to Frankfurt. The energy seems to be working more in my favour, because I have been blessed with many teaching opportunities since moving here, as well as my very first assisting job! The choreographers, whom I have known and worked with for many years, managed to get enough funding for a production to hire an assistant, with the rehearsals and premiere in Frankfurt. Coincidence? We had always worked well together as dancers and choreographers, but being a rehearsal assistant is a completely different story. It has been a rewarding and eye-opening experience and I am so grateful to have finally gotten my first taste of this position. Z Zentrum, Frankfurt It's my current life's mission to understand how I c...