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Showing posts from April, 2020

10 Strategies For Dealing With Drama

“So, you’re saying I’ve always been slower than the others?” “Yes.” “And you’re only telling me this now , after five shows?” before I knew it, my arms folded across my chest and my features twisted to reveal ‘the face’. You know the one. How dare he ridicule me in front of all my colleagues, when I was the ‘one’ who was chosen to dance the final solo in Marco Goecke’s ‘ Blushing ’? I had worked   my ass off for this, and I knew what I was doing. I didn’t deserve to be put on the spot like that, and I’m sure everyone in the room thought so, too.   * * * “Let’s try to use the back more, so we can…” before I could finish my sentence he turned his back to me and walked to the other end of the studio, just like that. I was stunned. What had I done to deserve such disrespect? Had I said something wrong? Am I a bad teacher? * * * These kinds of situations are not uncommon in the world of professional dance, n